Source: AbstractSelfableObject.js

    var Gitana = window.Gitana;
    Gitana.AbstractSelfableObject = Gitana.AbstractObject.extend(
    /** @lends Gitana.AbstractSelfableObject.prototype */
         * @constructs
         * @augments Gitana.AbstractObject
         * @class Abstract base class for selfable Gitana document objects.
         * @param {Gitana} driver
         * @param {Object} [object]
        constructor: function(driver, object)
            // finally chain to parent prototype
            this.base(driver, object);

        // SELFABLE

         * Delete
         * @chained this
         * @public
        del: function()
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri();

            // NOTE: pass control back to the server instance
            return this.chainDelete(this.getPlatform(), uriFunction);

         * Reload
         * @chained this
         * @public
        reload: function()
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri();

            return this.chainReload(null, uriFunction);

         * Update
         * @chained this
         * @public
        update: function()
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri();

            return this.chainUpdate(null, uriFunction);

