Source: http/OAuth2Http.js

    Gitana.OAuth2Http = Gitana.Http.extend(
    /** @lends Gitana.OAuth2Http.prototype */
         * @constructs
         * @class Gitana.OAuth2Http
        constructor: function(options, storage)
            var self = this;

            // storage for OAuth credentials
            // this can either be a string ("local", "session", "memory") or a storage instance or empty
            // if empty, memory-based storage is assumed
            if (storage === null || typeof(storage) === "string")
                storage = new Gitana.OAuth2Http.Storage(storage);

            // cookie mode
            this.cookieMode = null;

            // ticket mode
            this.ticketMode = null;

            // preset the error state
            this.error = null;
            this.errorDescription = null;
            this.errorUri = null;

            // gitana urls
            var tokenURL = "/oauth/token";
            if (options.tokenURL)
                tokenURL = options.tokenURL;

            // base URL?
            var baseURL = null;
            if (options.baseURL)
                baseURL = options.baseURL;

            // client
            var clientKey = options.clientKey;
            var clientSecret = options.clientSecret;

            // authorization flow
            // if none specified, assume AUTHORIZATION CODE
            this.authorizationFlow = options.authorizationFlow || Gitana.OAuth2Http.AUTHORIZATION_CODE;

            // optional
            if (options.requestedScope)
                this.requestedScope = options.requestedScope;

            if (this.authorizationFlow == Gitana.OAuth2Http.AUTHORIZATION_CODE)
                this.code = options.code;
                this.redirectUri = options.redirectUri;

            if (this.authorizationFlow == Gitana.OAuth2Http.PASSWORD)
                this.username = options.username;

                if (options.password)
                    this.password = options.password;
                    this.password = "";

            if (this.authorizationFlow == Gitana.OAuth2Http.COOKIE)
                this.cookieMode = true;

            if (this.authorizationFlow == Gitana.OAuth2Http.TICKET)
                this.ticketMode = options.ticket;

            this.ticketMaxAge = options.ticketMaxAge;

            // ACCESSORS

             * Clears persisted storage of auth data
            this.clearStorage = function()

             * Gets or saves the access token
             * @param value [String] optional value
            this.accessToken = function(value)
                return storage.poke("accessToken", value);

             * Gets or saves the refresh token
             * @param value [String] optional value
            this.refreshToken = function(value)
                return storage.poke("refreshToken", value);

             * Gets or saves the granted scope
             * @param value [String] optional value
            this.grantedScope = function(value)
                return storage.poke("grantedScope", value);

             * Gets or saves the expires in value
             * @param value [String] optional value
            this.expiresIn = function(value)
                return storage.poke("expiresIn", value);

             * Gets or saves the grant time
             * @param value [String] optional value
            this.grantTime = function(value)
                return storage.poke("grantTime", value);

            this.getClientAuthorizationHeader = function() {

                var basicString = clientKey + ":";
                if (clientSecret)
                    basicString += clientSecret;
                return "Basic " + Gitana.btoa(basicString);

            this.getBearerAuthorizationHeader = function()
                return "Bearer " + self.accessToken();

            this.getPrefixedTokenURL = function()
                return this.getPrefixedURL(tokenURL);

            this.getPrefixedURL = function(url)
                var rebasedURL = url;
                if (baseURL && Gitana.startsWith(url, "/"))
                    rebasedURL = baseURL + url;

                return rebasedURL;

            // if they initiatialized with an access token, clear and write into persisted state
            // unless they're continuing an existing token
            if (this.authorizationFlow == Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN)
                var existingAccessToken = this.accessToken();
                if (existingAccessToken !== options.accessToken)



         * Performs an HTTP call using OAuth2.
         * @param options
        request: function(options)
            var self = this;

             * Call over to Gitana and acquires an access token using flow authorization.
             * @param success
             * @param failure
            var doGetAccessToken = function(success, failure)
                var onSuccess = function(response, xhr)
                    var object = JSON.parse(response.text);
                    if (object["error"])
                        self.error = object["error"];
                        self.errorDescription = object["error_description"];
                        self.errorUri = object["error_uri"];

                        return failure(response, xhr);

                    var _accessToken = object["access_token"];
                    var _refreshToken = object["refresh_token"];
                    var _expiresIn = object["expires_in"];
                    var _grantedScope = object["scope"];
                    var _grantTime = new Date().getTime();

                    // store into persistent storage

                    // console.log("doGetAccessToken -> " + JSON.stringify(object));


                var onFailure = function(http, xhr) {
                    failure(http, xhr);

                var o = {
                    success: onSuccess,
                    failure: onFailure,
                    headers: {},
                    url: self.getPrefixedTokenURL(),
                    method: Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN_METHOD

                if (Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS)
                    for (var k in Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS)
                        o.headers[k] = Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS[k];

                o.headers["Authorization"] = self.getClientAuthorizationHeader();

                // query string
                var qs = {};

                // ticket max age
                if (self.ticketMaxAge)
                    qs["ticketMaxAge"] = self.ticketMaxAge;

                // if we're POSTing, do so as application/x-www-form-urlencoded to make secure over the wire
                if ("post" === Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN_METHOD.toLowerCase())
                    o.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

                    // url encoded payload
                    var urlEncodedTokens = {};
                    urlEncodedTokens["grant_type"] = self.authorizationFlow;
                    if (self.requestedScope) {
                        urlEncodedTokens["scope"] = self.requestedScope;
                    if (self.authorizationFlow === Gitana.OAuth2Http.AUTHORIZATION_CODE)
                        urlEncodedTokens["code"] = self.code;
                        if (self.redirectUri) {
                            urlEncodedTokens["redirect_uri"] = self.redirectUri;
                    else if (self.authorizationFlow === Gitana.OAuth2Http.PASSWORD)
                        urlEncodedTokens["username"] = self.username;
                        urlEncodedTokens["password"] = self.password;
           = "" + Gitana.Http.toQueryString(urlEncodedTokens);
                    qs["grant_type"] = self.authorizationFlow;
                    if (self.requestedScope) {
                        qs["scope"] = self.requestedScope;
                    if (self.authorizationFlow === Gitana.OAuth2Http.AUTHORIZATION_CODE)
                        qs["code"] = self.code;
                        if (self.redirectUri) {
                            qs["redirect_uri"] = self.redirectUri;
                    else if (self.authorizationFlow === Gitana.OAuth2Http.PASSWORD)
                        qs["username"] = self.username;
                        qs["password"] = self.password;

                // append into query string
                var queryString = Gitana.Http.toQueryString(qs);
                if (queryString)
                    if (o.url.indexOf("?") > -1)
                        o.url = o.url + "&" + queryString;
                        o.url = o.url + "?" + queryString;


            if (typeof(Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCKS) === "undefined")
                Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCKS = {};
            if (typeof(Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCK_REATTEMPT_MS) === "undefined")
                Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCK_REATTEMPT_MS = 75;

            var waitForPendingRefresh = function(key, oldAccessToken)
                setTimeout(function() {

                    // if another "thread" is still refreshing, keep on waiting
                    if (Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCKS[key]) {
                        return waitForPendingRefresh();

                    // if we get this far, we take advantage of the new access key
                    // first check to make sure that it is a different access key
                    var newAccessToken = self.accessToken();

                    // we try the call again under the assumption that the access token is valid
                    // if the access token is different, we allow for another attempted refresh
                    // otherwise we do not to avoid spinning around forever
                    var autoAttemptRefresh = (newAccessToken === oldAccessToken);

                    // fire the call

                }, Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCK_REATTEMPT_MS)

             * Calls over to Gitana and acquires an access token using an existing refresh token.
             * We use a refresh token lock here (scoped to the module) so that only one event loop per refresh token
             * is allowed to perform the refresh at a time.  This is to avoid making excessive network calls and also
             * helps to avoid race/bounce conditions when multiple refresh tokens come back, spinning things out of
             * control.  Eventually it settles down but better to avoid altogether.
             * @param success
             * @param failure
            var doRefreshAccessToken = function(success, failure) {

                var key = self.refreshToken();
                var oldAccessToken = self.accessToken();

                // if another "thread" is refreshing for this refresh key, then we wait until it finishes
                // when it finishes, we either use the acquired access token or make another attempt
                if (Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCKS[key]) {
                    return waitForPendingRefresh(key, oldAccessToken);

                // claim that we are the "thread" doing the refresh
                Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCKS[key] = true;

                // make the http call for the refresh
                _doRefreshAccessToken(function(response) {

                    // all done, delete the lock
                    delete Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCKS[key];

                    // callback

                }, function(http, xhr) {

                    // didn't work, release the lock
                    delete Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_LOCKS[key];

                    // callback
                    failure(http, xhr);

            var _doRefreshAccessToken = function(success, failure) {

                var onSuccess = function(response)
                    var object = JSON.parse(response.text);
                    if (response["error"])
                        self.error = object["error"];
                        self.errorDescription = object["error_description"];
                        self.errorUri = object["error_uri"];
                        var _accessToken = object["access_token"];
                        var _refreshToken = object["refresh_token"];
                        var _expiresIn = object["expires_in"];
                        //self.grantedScope = object["scope"]; // this doesn't come back on refresh, assumed the same
                        var _grantTime = new Date().getTime();
                        var _grantedScope = self.grantedScope();

                        // store into persistent storage


                var onFailure = function(http, xhr) {

                    Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_FAILURE_FN(self, http, xhr);

                    failure(http, xhr);

                var o = {
                    success: onSuccess,
                    failure: onFailure,
                    headers: {},
                    url: self.getPrefixedTokenURL(),
                    method: Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN_METHOD

                if (Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS)
                    for (var k in Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS)
                        o.headers[k] = Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS[k];

                o.headers["Authorization"] = self.getClientAuthorizationHeader();

                // query string
                var qs = {};

                // ticket max age
                if (self.ticketMaxAge)
                    qs["ticketMaxAge"] = self.ticketMaxAge;

                // if we're POSTing, do so as application/x-www-form-urlencoded to make secure over the wire
                if ("post" === Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN_METHOD.toLowerCase())
                    o.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

                    // url encoded payload
                    var urlEncodedTokens = {};
                    urlEncodedTokens["grant_type"] = "refresh_token";
                    urlEncodedTokens["refresh_token"] = self.refreshToken();
                    if (self.requestedScope)
                        urlEncodedTokens["scope"] = self.requestedScope;
           = "" + Gitana.Http.toQueryString(urlEncodedTokens);
                    qs["grant_type"] = "refresh_token";
                    qs["refresh_token"] = self.refreshToken();
                    if (self.requestedScope)
                        qs["scope"] = self.requestedScope;

                // append into query string
                var queryString = Gitana.Http.toQueryString(qs);
                if (queryString)
                    if (o.url.indexOf("?") > -1)
                        o.url = o.url + "&" + queryString;
                        o.url = o.url + "?" + queryString;


            var doCall = function(autoAttemptRefresh)
                var successHandler = function(response)

                var failureHandler = function(http, xhr)
                    if (autoAttemptRefresh)
                        // there are a few good reasons why this might naturally fail
                        // 1.  our access token is invalid, has expired or has been forcefully invalidated on the Cloud CMS server
                        //     in this case, we get back a 200 and something like http.text =
                        //     {"error":"invalid_token","error_description":"Invalid access token: blahblahblah"}
                        // 2.  the access token no longer permits access to the resource
                        //     in this case, we get back a 401
                        //     it might not make much sense to re-request a new access token, but we do just in case.

                        var notJson = false;
                        var isInvalidToken = false;
                        if (http.text)
                            var responseData = {};

                            // catch if http.text is not JSON
                                responseData = JSON.parse(http.text);
                            catch (e)
                                console.log("Error response is not json");
                                notJson = true;

                            if (responseData.error)
                                if (responseData.error === "invalid_token")
                                    isInvalidToken = true;
                        var is401 = (http && http.code == 401) || (xhr && xhr.status == 401);
                        var is400 = (http && http.code == 400) || (xhr && xhr.status == 400);
                        var is403 = (http && http.code == 403) || (xhr && xhr.status == 403);
                        var isTimeout = (http && http.timeout) || (xhr && xhr.timeout);

                        // handle both cases
                        if (is401 || is400 || is403 || isInvalidToken || (notJson && !isTimeout))
                            if (self.refreshToken() || self.cookieMode)
                                // use the refresh token to acquire a new access token
                                doRefreshAccessToken(function() {

                                    // success, got a new access token


                                }, function() {

                                    // failure, nothing else we can do
                                    // call into intended failure handler with the original failure http object
                                    options.failure(http, xhr);
                                // fail case - nothing we can do
                                options.failure(http, xhr);
                            // some other kind of error
                            options.failure(http, xhr);
                        // we aren't allowed to automatically attempt to get a new token via refresh token
                        options.failure(http, xhr);

                // call through to the protected resource (with custom success/failure handling)
                var o = {};
                Gitana.copyInto(o, options);
                o.success = successHandler;
                o.failure = failureHandler;
                if (!o.headers)
                    o.headers = {};
                if (Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS)
                    for (var k in Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS)
                        o.headers[k] = Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS[k];
                if (!self.cookieMode && !self.ticketMode)
                    o.headers["Authorization"] = self.getBearerAuthorizationHeader();
                if (self.ticketMode)
                    o.headers["GITANA_TICKET"] = encodeURIComponent(self.ticketMode);
                o.url = self.getPrefixedURL(o.url);

                // make the call

            // if we have an access token and it's about to expire (within 20 seconds of it's expiry),
            // we force an early refresh of the access token so that concurrent requests don't get access problems
            // this is important for any browser-originated requests that rely on a persisted cookie (GITANA_TICKET)
            // also provide some debugging if needed
            var forceRefresh = false;
            if (self.accessToken())
                var grantTime = self.grantTime();
                if (grantTime)
                    var expiresIn = self.expiresIn();
                    if (expiresIn)
                        // NOTE: expiresIn is in seconds
                        var expirationTimeMs = self.grantTime() + (self.expiresIn() * 1000);
                        var nowTimeMs = new Date().getTime();

                        var timeRemainingMs = expirationTimeMs - nowTimeMs;
                        if (timeRemainingMs <= 0)
                            // console.log("Access Token is expired, refresh will be attempted!");
                            // console.log("Access Token Time Remaining: " + timeRemainingMs);

                        if (timeRemainingMs <= 20000)
                            // console.log("Access Token only has 20 seconds left, forcing early refresh");
                            forceRefresh = true;

            // if no access token, request one
            if ((!self.accessToken() || forceRefresh) && !this.cookieMode && !this.ticketMode)
                if (!self.refreshToken())
                    // no refresh token, do an authorization call
                    doGetAccessToken(function() {

                        // got an access token, so proceed

                    }, function(http, xhr) {

                        // access denied
                        options.failure(http, xhr);

                    // we have a refresh token, so do a refresh call
                    doRefreshAccessToken(function() {

                        // got an access token, so proceed

                    }, function(http, xhr) {

                        // unable to get an access token
                        options.failure(http, xhr);

                // we already have an access token

         * Refreshes the OAuth2 access token.
        refresh: function(callback)
            var self = this;

            var currentAccessToken = self.accessToken();
            var currentRefreshToken = self.refreshToken();
            if (!currentRefreshToken)
                return callback({
                    "message": "The driver does not have a refresh token, cannot refresh"

            var onSuccess = function(response)
                var object = JSON.parse(response.text);
                if (object["error"])
                    self.error = object["error"];
                    self.errorDescription = object["error_description"];
                    self.errorUri = object["error_uri"];

                    return callback({
                        "error": self.error,
                        "message": self.errorDescription
                    var _accessToken = object["access_token"];
                    var _refreshToken = object["refresh_token"];
                    var _expiresIn = object["expires_in"];
                    //self.grantedScope = object["scope"]; // this doesn't come back on refresh, assumed the same
                    var _grantTime = new Date().getTime();
                    var _grantedScope = self.grantedScope();

                    // store into persistent storage


            var onFailure = function(http, xhr)
                if (Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_FAILURE_FN)
                    Gitana.REFRESH_TOKEN_FAILURE_FN(self, http, xhr);

                // clear storage

                    "message": "Unable to refresh access token"

            var o = {
                success: onSuccess,
                failure: onFailure,
                headers: {},
                url: self.getPrefixedTokenURL(),
                method: Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN_METHOD

            if (Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS)
                for (var k in Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS)
                    o.headers[k] = Gitana.OAUTH2_TOKEN_REQUEST_HEADERS[k];

            o.headers["Authorization"] = self.getClientAuthorizationHeader();

            // query string
            var qs = {};

            // ticket max age
            if (self.ticketMaxAge)
                qs["ticketMaxAge"] = self.ticketMaxAge;

            // if we're POSTing, do so as application/x-www-form-urlencoded to make secure over the wire
            if ("post" === Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN_METHOD.toLowerCase())
                o.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

                // url encoded data
                var urlEncodedTokens = {};
                urlEncodedTokens["grant_type"] = "refresh_token";
                urlEncodedTokens["refresh_token"] = self.refreshToken();
                if (self.requestedScope)
                    urlEncodedTokens["scope"] = self.requestedScope;
       = "" + Gitana.Http.toQueryString(urlEncodedTokens);
                qs["grant_type"] = "refresh_token";
                qs["refresh_token"] = self.refreshToken();
                if (self.requestedScope)
                    qs["scope"] = self.requestedScope;

            // append into query string
            var queryString = Gitana.Http.toQueryString(qs);
            if (queryString)
                if (o.url.indexOf("?") > -1)
                    o.url = o.url + "&" + queryString;
                    o.url = o.url + "?" + queryString;



     * Provides a storage location for OAuth2 credentials
     * @param scope
     * @return storage instance
     * @constructor
    Gitana.OAuth2Http.Storage = function(scope)
        // in-memory implementation of HTML5 storage interface
        var memoryStorage = function() {

            var memory = {};

            var m = {};
            m.removeItem = function(key)
                delete memory[key];

            m.getItem = function(key)
                return memory[key];

            m.setItem = function(key, value)
                memory[key] = value;

            return m;

         * Determines whether the current runtime environment supports HTML5 local storage
         * @return {Boolean}
        var supportsLocalStorage = function()
            try {
                return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null;
            } catch (e) {
                return false;

         * Determines whether the current runtime environment supports HTML5 session storage.
         * @return {Boolean}
        var supportsSessionStorage = function()
            try {
                return 'sessionStorage' in window && window['sessionStorage'] !== null;
            } catch (e) {
                return false;

        var acquireStorage = function()
            var storage = null;

            // store
            if (scope == "session" && supportsSessionStorage())
                storage = sessionStorage;
            else if (scope == "local" && supportsLocalStorage())
                storage = localStorage;
                // fall back to memory-based storage
                storage = memoryStorage;

            return storage;

        // result object
        var r = {};

         * Clears state.
        r.clear = function()
            // we first set to empty to account for a bug in Chrome
            // this bug is with the removeItem method where it sometimes doesn't work, so force to empty to handle worst case
            acquireStorage().setItem("gitanaAuthState", "");

            // now do the actual remove

         * Pokes and peeks the value of a key in the state.
         * @param key
         * @param value
         * @return {*}
        r.poke = function(key, value)
            var state = {};

            var stateString = acquireStorage().getItem("gitanaAuthState");
            if (stateString && stateString !== "") {
                state = JSON.parse(stateString);

            var touch = false;
            if (typeof(value) !== "undefined" && value !== null)
                state[key] = value;
                touch = true;
            else if (value === null)
                delete state[key];
                touch = true;

            if (touch) {
                acquireStorage().setItem("gitanaAuthState", JSON.stringify(state));

            return state[key];

        return r;


// statics
Gitana.OAuth2Http.PASSWORD = "password";
Gitana.OAuth2Http.AUTHORIZATION_CODE = "authorization_code";
Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN = "token";
Gitana.OAuth2Http.COOKIE = "cookie";
Gitana.OAuth2Http.TICKET = "ticket";

// method to use for retrieving access and refresh tokens
//Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN_METHOD = "GET";
Gitana.OAuth2Http.TOKEN_METHOD = "POST";