Source: platform/Stack.js

    var Gitana = window.Gitana;
    Gitana.Stack = Gitana.AbstractPlatformObject.extend(
    /** @lends Gitana.Stack.prototype */
         * @constructs
         * @augments Gitana.AbstractPlatformObject
         * @class Stack
         * @param {Gitana.Platform} platform
         * @param [Object] object json object (if no callback required for populating)
        constructor: function(platform, object)
            this.base(platform, object);

            this.objectType = function() { return "Gitana.Stack"; };

         * @OVERRIDE
        getType: function()
            return Gitana.TypedIDConstants.TYPE_STACK;

         * @OVERRIDE
        getUri: function()
            return "/stacks/" + this.getId();

         * @override
        clone: function()
            return this.getFactory().stack(this.getPlatform(), this);

        getKey: function()
            return this.get("key");

        // TEAMABLE

         * Reads a team.
         * @param teamKey
         * @chainable team
        readTeam: function(teamKey)
            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/teams/" + teamKey;

            var chainable = this.getFactory().team(this.getPlatform(), this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction);

         * Lists teams.
         * @chainable map of teams
        listTeams: function(pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/teams";

            var chainable = this.getFactory().teamMap(this.getCluster(), this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction, params);

         * Creates a team.
         * @param teamKey
         * @param object
         * @chainable team
        createTeam: function(teamKey, object)
            if (!object)
                object = {};

            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/teams?key=" + teamKey;

            var self = this;

            var chainable = this.getFactory().team(this.getPlatform(), this);
            return this.chainPostResponse(chainable, uriFunction, {}, object).then(function() {

                var chain = this;

                Chain(self).readTeam(teamKey).then(function() {

                // we manually advance the chain
                return false;

         * Gets the owners team
         * @chained team
        readOwnersTeam: function()
            return this.readTeam("owners");

        // END OF TEAMABLE


         * Reads a role.
         * @param roleKeyOrId
         * @param inherited whether to check inherited role containers
         * @chainable role
        readRole: function(roleKeyOrId, inherited)
            var params = {};

            if (inherited)
                params.inherited = true;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/roles/" + roleKeyOrId;

            var chainable = this.getFactory().role(this.getCluster(), this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction, params);

         * Lists roles.
         * @param inherited whether to draw from inherited role containers
         * @chainable map of roles
        listRoles: function(inherited)
            var params = {};

            if (inherited)
                params.inherited = true;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/roles";

            var chainable = this.getFactory().roleMap(this.getCluster(), this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction, params);

         * Creates a role.
         * @param roleKey
         * @param object
         * @chainable role
        createRole: function(roleKey, object)
            if (!object)
                object = {};
            object.roleKey = roleKey;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/roles";

            var self = this;

            var chainable = this.getFactory().role(this.getPlatform(), this, roleKey);
            return this.chainPostResponse(chainable, uriFunction, {}, object).then(function() {
                this.subchain(self).readRole(roleKey).then(function() {
                    Gitana.copyInto(chainable, this);


        // ATTACHMENTS

         * Hands back an attachments map.
         * @chained attachment map
         * @param local
         * @public
        listAttachments: Gitana.Methods.listAttachments(),

         * Picks off a single attachment
         * @chained attachment
         * @param attachmentId
        attachment: function(attachmentId)
            return this.listAttachments().select(attachmentId);

         * Creates an attachment.
         * When using this method from within the JS driver, it really only works for text-based content such
         * as JSON or text.
         * @chained attachment
         * @param attachmentId (use null or false for default attachment)
         * @param contentType
         * @param data
        attach: Gitana.Methods.attach(),

         * Deletes an attachment.
         * @param attachmentId
        unattach: Gitana.Methods.unattach(),

         * Generates a URI to a preview resource.
        getPreviewUri: Gitana.Methods.getPreviewUri(),

        // LOGS

         * Queries for log entries.
         * @chained log entry map
         * @param {Object} query Query for finding log entries.
         * @param [Object] pagination pagination (optional)
        queryLogEntries: function(query, pagination)
            var self = this;
            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/logs/query";

            if (!query)
                query = {};

            var chainable = this.getFactory().logEntryMap(this.getCluster());

            // prepare params (with pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            return this.chainPost(chainable, uriFunction, params, query);

         * Read a log entry.
         * @chained log entry
         * @param {String} jobId
        readLogEntry: function(logEntryId)
            var self = this;
            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/logs/" + logEntryId;

            var chainable = this.getFactory().logEntry(this.getCluster());

            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction);

         * Reads the last 100 lines of the log as text.
         * The callback receives the text as the argument.
         * @param callback
        readLog: function(callback)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function () {
                return this.getUri() + "/logs/logfile";

            return this.chainGetResponseText(this, uriFunction).then(function(text) {
      , text);


         * Assigns a data store to the stack
         * It takes datastore and key (optional) as input or a json object than contains
         * datastore type, id and key (optional)
         * @chained this
         * @param {Gitana.DataStore} datastore a platform datastore
         * @param {String} key optional key
        assignDataStore: function(datastore, key)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/datastores/assign";

            var args = Gitana.makeArray(arguments);

            var params;

            if (args.length == 1)
                var arg = args.shift();

                if (arg.getType && arg.getId)
                    params = {
                        "type": arg.getType(),
                        "id": arg.getId()
                    params = arg;
                datastore = args.shift();
                key = args.shift();
                params = {
                    "type": datastore.getType(),
                    "id": datastore.getId()

                if (key)
                    params["key"] = key;

            return this.chainPostEmpty(null, uriFunction, params);

         * Unassigns a data store from the stack
         * @chained this
         * @param {String} key optional key
        unassignDataStore: function(key)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/datastores/unassign";

            var params = {
                "key": key

            return this.chainPostEmpty(null, uriFunction, params);


         * Lists the data stores in this stack.
         * @chained datastore map
         * @param pagination
        listDataStores: function(pagination)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/datastores";

            var chainable = this.getFactory().platformDataStoreMap(this.getPlatform());

            // prepare params (with pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction, params);

         * Lists the data stores in this stack.
         * @chained datastore map
         * @param {Object} query
         * @param [Object] pagination pagination (optional)
        queryDataStores: function(query, pagination)
            var self = this;

            // prepare params (with pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/datastores/query";

            var chainable = this.getFactory().platformDataStoreMap(this.getPlatform());

            return this.chainPost(chainable, uriFunction, params, query);

         * Checks whether a datastore exists for the given key on this stack.
         * This passes the result (true/false) to the chaining function.
         * @chained this
         * @param {String} key the datastore key
         * @param {Function} callback
        existsDataStore: function(key, callback)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/datastores/exists?key=" + key;

            return this.chainPostResponse(this, uriFunction).then(function(response) {
      , response["exists"]);

         * Reads a data store for this stack by its key.
         * @chained this
         * @param {String} key the datastore key
         * @param [callback] a callback receiver to grab the actual typed object once retrieved
        readDataStore: function(key, callback)
            var self = this;

            return this.then(function() {

                var chain = this;

                Chain(self).queryDataStores().then(function() {

                    var datastore = this[key];
                    datastore["_doc"] = datastore["datastoreId"];
                    delete datastore["datastoreTypeId"];

                    if (callback)


                // NOTE: we return false to tell the chain that we'll manually call next()
                return false;

