Source: registrar/Registrar.js

    var Gitana = window.Gitana;
    Gitana.Registrar = Gitana.AbstractPlatformDataStore.extend(
    /** @lends Gitana.Registrar.prototype */
         * @constructs
         * @augments Gitana.AbstractPlatformDataStore
         * @class Registrar
         * @param {Gitana.Platform} platform
         * @param [Object] object json object (if no callback required for populating)
        constructor: function(platform, object)
            this.objectType = function() { return "Gitana.Registrar"; };

            this.base(platform, object);

         * @OVERRIDE
        getUri: function()
            return "/registrars/" + this.getId();

         * @OVERRIDE
        getType: function()
            return Gitana.TypedIDConstants.TYPE_REGISTRAR;

         * @override
        clone: function()
            return this.getFactory().registrar(this.getPlatform(), this);

        // TENANTS

         * Lists all of the tenants.
         * @chained tenant map
         * @param [Object] pagination pagination (optional)
        listTenants: function(pagination)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/tenants";

            // prepare params (with pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            var chainable = this.getFactory().tenantMap(this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction, params);

         * Queries for a tenant.
         * @chained tenant map
         * @param {Object} query Query for finding a tenant.
         * @param [Object] pagination pagination (optional)
        queryTenants: function(query, pagination)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/tenants/query";

            var chainable = this.getFactory().tenantMap(this);

            // prepare params (with pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            return this.chainPost(chainable, uriFunction, params, query);

         * Reads a tenant.
         * @chained tenant
         * @param {String} tenantId the tenant id
        readTenant: function(tenantId)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/tenants/" + tenantId;

            var chainable = this.getFactory().tenant(this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction);

         * Lookup a tenant for a principal.
         * @chained tenant
         * @param {Gitana.Principal} principal
        lookupTenantForPrincipal: function(principal)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/tenants/lookup?id=" + principal.getDomainQualifiedId();

            var chainable = this.getFactory().tenant(this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction);

         * Creates a tenant
         * @chained tenant
         * @param {Gitana.DomainPrincipal} principal
         * @param {String} planKey
         * @param [Object] payment method (required if plan requires a payment method)
         * @param [Object] tenant properties
        createTenant: function(principal, planKey, paymentMethod, object)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/tenants";

            // set up object
            if (!object) {
                object = {};
            object["principalId"] = principal.getId();
            object["domainId"] = principal.getDomainId();
            object["planKey"] = planKey;
            if (paymentMethod)
                object["paymentMethod"] = paymentMethod;

            // create
            var chainable = this.getFactory().tenant(this);
            return this.chainCreate(chainable, object, uriFunction);

         * Performs a bulk check of permissions against permissioned objects of type tenant.
         * Example of checks array:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "domainId": "<domainId>", (optional)
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "permissionId": "<permissionId>"
         * }]
         * The callback receives an array of results, example:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "domainId": "<domainId>", (optional)
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "permissionId": "<permissionId>",
         *    "result": true
         * }]
         * The order of elements in the array will be the same for checks and results.
         * @param checks
         * @param callback
        checkTenantPermissions: function(checks, callback)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/tenants/permissions/check";

            var object = {
                "checks": checks

            return this.chainPostResponse(this, uriFunction, {}, object).then(function(response) {
      , response["results"]);

         * Performs a bulk check of authorities against permissioned objects of type tenant.
         * Example of checks array:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "authorityId": "<authorityId>"
         * }]
         * The callback receives an array of results, example:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "authorityId": "<authorityId>",
         *    "result": true
         * }]
         * The order of elements in the array will be the same for checks and results.
         * @param checks
         * @param callback
        checkTenantAuthorities: function(checks, callback)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/tenants/authorities/check";

            var object = {
                "checks": checks

            return this.chainPostResponse(this, uriFunction, {}, object).then(function(response) {
      , response["results"]);

        // PLANS

         * Lists all of the plans.
         * @chained plan map
         * @param [Object] pagination pagination (optional)
        listPlans: function(pagination)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/plans";

            // prepare params (with pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            var chainable = this.getFactory().planMap(this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction, params);

         * Queries for plans.
         * @chained plan map
         * @param {Object} query Query for finding a tenant.
         * @param [Object] pagination pagination (optional)
        queryPlans: function(query, pagination)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/plans/query";

            var chainable = this.getFactory().planMap(this);

            // prepare params (with pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            return this.chainPost(chainable, uriFunction, params, query);

         * Reads a plan.
         * @chained plan
         * @param {String} planId the plan id
        readPlan: function(planId)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/plans/" + planId;

            var chainable = this.getFactory().plan(this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction);

         * Creates a plan
         * @chained plan
         * @param [Object] object JSON object
        createPlan: function(object)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/plans";

            var chainable = this.getFactory().plan(this);
            return this.chainCreate(chainable, object, uriFunction);

         * Performs a bulk check of permissions against permissioned objects of type plan.
         * Example of checks array:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "domainId": "<domainId>", (optional)
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "permissionId": "<permissionId>"
         * }]
         * The callback receives an array of results, example:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "domainId": "<domainId>", (optional)
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "permissionId": "<permissionId>",
         *    "result": true
         * }]
         * The order of elements in the array will be the same for checks and results.
         * @param checks
         * @param callback
        checkPlanPermissions: function(checks, callback)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/plans/permissions/check";

            var object = {
                "checks": checks

            return this.chainPostResponse(this, uriFunction, {}, object).then(function(response) {
      , response["results"]);

         * Performs a bulk check of authorities against permissioned objects of type plan.
         * Example of checks array:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "authorityId": "<authorityId>"
         * }]
         * The callback receives an array of results, example:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "authorityId": "<authorityId>",
         *    "result": true
         * }]
         * The order of elements in the array will be the same for checks and results.
         * @param checks
         * @param callback
        checkPlanAuthorities: function(checks, callback)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/plans/authorities/check";

            var object = {
                "checks": checks

            return this.chainPostResponse(this, uriFunction, {}, object).then(function(response) {
      , response["results"]);

        // METERS

         * Lists all of the meters.
         * @chained meter map
         * @param [Object] pagination pagination (optional)
        listMeters: function(pagination)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/meters";

            // prepare params (with pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            var chainable = this.getFactory().meterMap(this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction, params);

         * Queries for meters.
         * @chained meter map
         * @param {Object} query Query for finding a tenant.
         * @param [Object] pagination pagination (optional)
        queryMeters: function(query, pagination)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/meters/query";

            var chainable = this.getFactory().meterMap(this);

            // prepare params (with pagination)
            var params = {};
            if (pagination)
                Gitana.copyInto(params, pagination);

            return this.chainPost(chainable, uriFunction, params, query);

         * Reads a meter.
         * @chained meter
         * @param {String} meterId the meter id
        readMeter: function(meterId)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/meters/" + meterId;

            var chainable = this.getFactory().meter(this);
            return this.chainGet(chainable, uriFunction);

         * Creates a meter
         * @chained meter
         * @param [Object] object JSON object
        createMeter: function(object)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/meters";

            var chainable = this.getFactory().meter(this);
            return this.chainCreate(chainable, object, uriFunction);

         * Performs a bulk check of permissions against permissioned objects of type meter.
         * Example of checks array:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "domainId": "<domainId>", (optional)
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "permissionId": "<permissionId>"
         * }]
         * The callback receives an array of results, example:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "domainId": "<domainId>", (optional)
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "permissionId": "<permissionId>",
         *    "result": true
         * }]
         * The order of elements in the array will be the same for checks and results.
         * @param checks
         * @param callback
        checkMeterPermissions: function(checks, callback)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/meters/permissions/check";

            var object = {
                "checks": checks

            return this.chainPostResponse(this, uriFunction, {}, object).then(function(response) {
      , response["results"]);

         * Performs a bulk check of authorities against permissioned objects of type meter.
         * Example of checks array:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "authorityId": "<authorityId>"
         * }]
         * The callback receives an array of results, example:
         * [{
         *    "permissionedId": "<permissionedId>",
         *    "principalId": "<principalId>",
         *    "authorityId": "<authorityId>",
         *    "result": true
         * }]
         * The order of elements in the array will be the same for checks and results.
         * @param checks
         * @param callback
        checkMeterAuthorities: function(checks, callback)
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/meters/authorities/check";

            var object = {
                "checks": checks

            return this.chainPostResponse(this, uriFunction, {}, object).then(function(response) {
      , response["results"]);

