Source: vault/Archive.js

    var Gitana = window.Gitana;
    Gitana.Archive = Gitana.AbstractVaultObject.extend(
    /** @lends Gitana.Archive.prototype */
         * @constructs
         * @augments Gitana.AbstractVaultObject
         * @class Archive
         * @param {Gitana.Vault} vault
         * @param [Object] object json object (if no callback required for populating)
        constructor: function(vault, object)
            this.base(vault, object);

            this.objectType = function() { return "Gitana.Archive"; };

         * @OVERRIDE
        getType: function()
            return Gitana.TypedIDConstants.TYPE_ARCHIVE;

         * @OVERRIDE
        getUri: function()
            return "/vaults/" + this.getVaultId() + "/archives/" + this.getId();

         * @override
        clone: function()
            return this.getFactory().archive(this.getVault(), this);

         * Gets the URI used to download the archive
        getDownloadUri: function()
            return this.getProxiedUri() + "/download";

        // ATTACHMENTS

         * Hands back an attachments map.
         * @chained attachment map
         * @param local
         * @public
        listAttachments: Gitana.Methods.listAttachments(),

         * Picks off a single attachment
         * @chained attachment
         * @param attachmentId
        attachment: function(attachmentId)
            return this.listAttachments().select(attachmentId);

         * Creates an attachment.
         * When using this method from within the JS driver, it really only works for text-based content such
         * as JSON or text.
         * @chained attachment
         * @param attachmentId (use null or false for default attachment)
         * @param contentType
         * @param data
        attach: Gitana.Methods.attach(),

         * Deletes an attachment.
         * @param attachmentId
        unattach: Gitana.Methods.unattach(),

         * Generates a URI to a preview resource.
        getPreviewUri: Gitana.Methods.getPreviewUri(),

         * Publishes the archive.
         * @chained this
         * @public
        publish: function()
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/publish";

            return this.chainPostEmpty(null, uriFunction);

         * Unpublishes the archive.
         * @chained this
         * @public
        unpublish: function()
            var self = this;

            var uriFunction = function()
                return self.getUri() + "/unpublish";

            return this.chainPostEmpty(null, uriFunction);

