Source: webhost/DeployedApplication.js

    var Gitana = window.Gitana;
    Gitana.DeployedApplication = Gitana.AbstractWebHostObject.extend(
    /** @lends Gitana.DeployedApplication.prototype */
         * @constructs
         * @augments Gitana.AbstractWebHostObject
         * @class DeployedApplication
         * @param {Gitana.WebHost} webhost
         * @param [Object] object json object (if no callback required for populating)
        constructor: function(webhost, object)
            this.base(webhost, object);

            this.objectType = function() { return "Gitana.DeployedApplication"; };

         * @override
        clone: function()
            return this.getFactory().deployedApplication(this.getWebHost(), this);

         * @OVERRIDE
        getType: function()
            return Gitana.TypedIDConstants.TYPE_DEPLOYED_APPLICATION;

         * @OVERRIDE
        getUri: function()
            return "/webhosts/" + this.getWebHostId() + "/applications/" + this.getId();

        // DEPLOYMENT

         * Undeploys the deployed application.
         * @chained deployed application
        undeploy: function()
            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/undeploy";

            // NOTE: pass control back to the web host
            return this.chainPostEmpty(this.getWebHost(), uriFunction);

         * Redeploys the deployed application.
         * @chained deployed application
        redeploy: function()
            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/redeploy";

            // NOTE: pass control back to the web host
            return this.chainPostEmpty(this.getWebHost(), uriFunction);

         * Starts the deployed application.
         * @chained deployed application
        start: function()
            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/start";

            // NOTE: pass control back to the web host
            return this.chainPostEmpty(this.getWebHost(), uriFunction);

         * Stops the deployed application.
         * @chained deployed application
        stop: function()
            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/stop";

            // NOTE: pass control back to the web host
            return this.chainPostEmpty(this.getWebHost(), uriFunction);

         * Undeploys the deployed application.
         * @chained deployed application
        restart: function()
            var uriFunction = function()
                return this.getUri() + "/restart";

            // NOTE: pass control back to the web host
            return this.chainPostEmpty(this.getWebHost(), uriFunction);

